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How to Start Every Day Feeling Great  

Let's talk about ways to start your day so you feel great and have more energy. Wouldn’t you like to  have more energy throughout the day? I think we all would. 

Have you noticed that when you start your morning in a frenzy — maybe after hitting snooze one  too many times on the alarm then skipping breakfast and rushing out the door with a cup of coffee  — the rest of your day just seems to reflect this chaos? The tone of your morning will determine the  tone of your day. That said, let’s talk about ways you can plan for a calmer, more strategic day.  Don’t look at a smartphone right when your eyes open.  Don't check your emails. Don't get your brain thinking about work. You mind and body have been  resting and sleeping, and being reminded of the things you’re about to face will rocket your anxiety  and stress to the forefront.   Instead, slowly wake up. If you have emails you know you need to check at 8:00 a.m., don’t wake up  at 7:58. Wake up at least an hour before you need to worry about anything and prepare yourself for  the day. If you don’t have a chaotic, rushed morning, it will make a huge difference in how you feel.  When we care for ourselves, we are more adaptable to other challenges throughout the day. We can  take on tough situations calmly and feel good about ourselves.   Have a glass of water first.   The second tip for starting a day off well is to have a glass of water first thing. You need to  rehydrate your body after so many hours of sleep. Try taking a glass of room temperature or warm  (not cold) water, squeezing some fresh lemon into it or topping it off with a teaspoon of pure lemon  juice. Drink it first thing, before you even brew a cup of coffee. Warmer water hydrates you more  quickly, and the splash of citrus primes your digestive system for the day ahead.  I’ve personally been doing this for a while, and I’ll drink the lemon water before my shower so that  by the time I’m ready for breakfast a little while later, my body and digestive tract have woken up. It  helps with hydration, as well as metabolism.   Stretch and get your blood flowing.  


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