Personal Development Guide - Authorify

Understand the 5 core components.   Get out a piece of paper and write “My Ideal Day Framework” at the top of it. Below that, put “core  components of my day.” And below that, list the five core components you make time for in your  ideal day.  

Here are the 5 core components that (almost) everyone needs to have a happy and fulfilling life.  

#1 Self Care  The first one is what I call “self care” because if you don’t take care of yourself, you will be forced to  drastically change your lifestyle if you end up facing a serious health problem. Without your health,  your wealth, success and everything else you hold dear in life have very little meaning. Taking care  of yourself should be a core component of everyone’s ideal day.   And when I say “self care,” I mean things like exercising, eating healthy meals, maintaining your  mental stability and anything that involves taking care of your body and mind.  #2 Work  The second core component that (almost) everyone needs to fit into their daily life is work or  something that provides financial stability. This likely takes up the majority of your time during  your work week.   #3 Rest and Recreation  The third core component is rest and recreation. I know many people talk about hustling or  working harder to be more successful, but many studies have shown that results diminish as you  work longer hours.   For example, a few summers ago, I slipped and fell down the stairs at my home on my way to work.  I dislocated my foot and ended up in a cast. I wasn’t able to do the recreational things that help me  rest and recharge, like cycling and kitesurfing. I decided to work more hours to keep myself busy for  the summer. But in the end, I got really depressed, burned out and discouraged by working too  much. It was a good reminder that more work doesn’t equal more results. As a result, I plan my “rest  and recharge” time and try to make it as important as my work. If I’m not rested, I won’t be nearly as  productive.   #4 Relationships  The fourth “core component” of an ideal day is relationships. Many studies have proven that people  who have good relationships with other people are the happiest.  


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