Personal Development Guide - Authorify

5 Secrets For a Productive Workday  Do you want to have a more productive day? Here are five tips that can make make anyone's day go  from “I hardly survived!” to “Wow! I feel accomplished!” With these five tips, you can not only get  more done but feel better about each day.   #1: Set the tone by having a good morning.   The first tip is to start your morning by setting a positive tone for your day. Give yourself enough  time to care for yourself and your mind and body. Our health is important on a daily basis. If stress  gets us down, we can end up on hamster wheel until it’s too late. Try to meditate, exercise and take  time for your physical and mental health first thing.   #2: Prioritize your tasks.   Tip number two is to prioritize your tasks. Lay out your top priorities in the right order daily, and  even weekly, because some tasks may not be able to be completed in a day. Take the high-pressure  tasks that you need to get done and crank them out in the morning to get them out of the way first.  Then, you can focus on being more creative. I personally hate that feeling of working on a project  while I'm thinking about some urgent task I need to get done. Get that out of the way so you can  focus on other things later.   #3: Forget multitasking.   The truth is, it’s better to work on just one thing at a time. Multitasking, even though we’ve been  told it’s a good thing, actually just creates stress and anxiety. It's like having a hundred tabs open on  your computer browser. Or, for another analogy, it’s like reading a book and jumping from chapter  to chapter, just reading bits and pieces. Your brain can't make sense of it and it's not productive.  Instead, work on separating your day into blocks, setting time aside for each task and sticking to it.  If you tell yourself you’re only going to work on one project for an hour, but you find yourself still  on it three hours later, you have failed to use those other two hours for other pressing tasks.  Likewise, if you spend one hour trying to do three things, you’ve accomplished next to nothing.   #4: Take breaks.   Intense focus can drain us, so the fourth tip is to take a break. If you’re working hard on something,  step away from the computer about every hour, stretch, and maybe look out the window. When I  look out my window, I see the landscape, and it resets my brain. 


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