Personal Development Guide - Authorify

Increase Productivity   by Removing Distractions 

You and I both know that distractions are EVERYWHERE these days. It’s not just on the  smartphone either; we’re constantly bombarded with interruptions from our kids, neighbors,  spouses, pets and that guilty inner voice that tells us to sign up for the Board of Directors.   So how can you hush them up? Here are 11 ways to banish pesky distractions and become more  productive.   #1: Keep a list of distractions.  The first tip is to keep a list of distractions. I know it sounds simple, but as you go through your day  and stuff comes up, keep a list of interruptions as they happen.   Then, divvy up the list at the end of your day. Depending on the importance of what needed your  attention, move it down the road to a day later that week to get it done, or whenever you have the  time. Instead of just jumping on every little thing like it’s a fire that must be put out, keep a list and  revisit that list to get it done later.   #2: Limit your screen time.   No surprise here: we all need to limit screen time. Speaking of that, most smartphones now have a  feature under the settings where you can limit your time on certain apps like social media and  anything that distracts you. So if you don't have the discipline to avoid that little urge to check social  media or to start a conversation that's not really moving the needle, go into your phone settings and  let your phone be the boss.   #3: Check your emails and calls at certain times.  Another tip is to check your emails and voicemails and make outgoing phone calls at certain times.  Try to limit contact time to two or three times a day, instead of always checking and responding to 


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