Personal Development Guide - Authorify

#8: Avoid busy work.   Most of us are going to struggle at some point during the day when we have difficult tasks. And  when those tasks come up, it's easy to let other things that can wait until another time suddenly  become really important. It’s human nature to want something to relieve the pressure you're under  trying to get important tasks done. So we'll do busy work — but busy work is not the best way to  spend our time. In fact, it’s just another distraction.   #9: Take care of errands on the weekends.   Weekends are for going to Home Depot or doing the “Honey Do” list. If you try to cram in your  errands during the week, they will just distract you. Unless you’re running errands over lunch and  they’re very important, try to save them until the weekend.   #10: Save socializing for later.  We all want to call friends back or “like” their vacation photos. Save those things for the end of the  day when you're not in the middle of work because they’re going to get you off track. And the next  thing you know, you just blew three hours on social media liking pictures you don't even care  about.   #11: Put your phone away at home.   Finally, when you're spending time with your loved ones, with your children, with your wife, or  with your pet, remember to be present. Turn the phone off, go put it on the charger, and focus on  time with loved ones. If you go out to a restaurant, don't start texting or looking at social media.  Spend that quality time with your family.  This will allow your brain to reboot. You’ll be more rested and recharged for the next sprint if you  focus on your family and your loved ones, versus focusing on your phone. So put the phone down,  enjoy quality time, and recharge those batteries.  


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