Personal Development Guide - Authorify

6 Ways to Start Over   After a Setback or Failure 

Have you ever had a setback or a failure that really knocked you backward? They happen to all of us.  So when it happens, how do you recover? Here are 6 ways to help you pull it together and get back  into the game.   #1: Be honest with yourself.  Always be honest with yourself. I know this may sound stupidly simple, but a lot of times, when we  have a setback, we want to blame something or someone else. Until you admit there's a problem  that YOU caused, you're not going to be open-minded to the solution that could help you solve it.  So start by being honest with yourself. It's not always fun, but it’s important to take a little bit of  time to reflect.   #2: Forgive yourself.  Remember to always forgive yourself. You're not a robot, and you're undoubtedly going to make  mistakes. Instead of being hard on yourself and beating yourself up or being unfair to yourself,  forgive yourself, love yourself and just let it go.   #3: Practice self soothing.  You’ve probably heard the term “self soothing” but some of us have not mastered it. Some of us still  think this means inhaling a pint of ice cream or having one too many glasses of wine. We can all  resort to negative things that are not going to help us and are going to make our situation worse.  Instead of these, I highly recommend you do something positive. One of my favorite tips is to get  out in nature, whether that's taking a walk, going on a hike, going to the beach, going out on a lake,  or whatever inspires you. It’s even better if you can disconnect from electronic devices and get some  alone time out in the great outdoors. You'll reset your brain, and you will really help yourself.  


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