Personal Development Guide - Authorify

#3: Don’t rely on technology to be productive.   Has this ever happened to you? Let’s say you’re sitting on an airplane, planning to work on a project  during the flight (if you can get the other person’s arms out of your way, that is) and the internet is  not working. And then you say to yourself, “Crap, I can’t get done what I was planning to get done.”  What I recommend you keep in mind is that you need to have “backup tasks,” or projects and things  to work on that do not require the internet. These could be an educational book or magazine article  that you’ve wanted to read, plus a legal pad to write things down. Not only are these “offline” items  going to jog a different part of your brain, you won’t feel like you’re sitting somewhere idle when  you feel inspired to keep working and brainstorming and learning.   So let’s recap. These are 3 simple tips that will help you enjoy a burdensome project and tackle it  more effectively: divide the work into small sprints; celebrate any small goals you reach; and always  be ready to work offline.  


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