Personal Development Guide - Authorify

Feel Like Quitting? Give Yourself   a Persistence Pep Talk 

Are there times you seriously consider giving up your business? Are there times that quitting seems  like the only option? 

Leaving everything behind can sometimes feel like the best option when you feel you've hit rock  bottom. But before you take the easy way out, I'm going to tell you why you shouldn't.   1. Why did you start your business or choose this career?  Before you pull the plug on your business, think about what made you start it in the first place. Was  the motivation from a healthy place? If the answer is yes, you owe it to yourself to give it one more  try.  Taking a trip down memory lane will give you a chance to focus on why you began and what you  love about your job. Sometimes, life happens, and we forget our motivation for doing something.  So remind yourself.   Write down the reasons you started your business. Whenever you feel like giving up, pull out that  piece of paper with your most powerful whys and read them out loud.   2. Why do you want to give up?  The feeling of wanting to quit can be overwhelming. It is, however, important to figure out what  specifically is making you want to quit. 

Is it something that can be resolved? Are you simply being impatient with yourself? Is another area  of your life frustrating you and affecting your business life? 

Whatever the reason, you need to be aware of what it is so you can attempt to resolve it before you  give up on a business you worked so hard to build.  3. Can you picture the ultimate result?  When you think about your business being a success, how does that picture look? Let your thoughts  linger on that image for just a little longer. 


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