Charles McShan - untitled

To avoid investing in new furniture (some do this, or rent exquisite furniture) and avoid spending thousands of dollars on this project, your or your professional home stager’s first step is to do as much as possible with everything you already have in your house. The priciest items will probably come with making updates and repairs inside and outside your house. The least costly bits are maximizing your space by moving objects around and cleaning/ clearing your house out. Rearranging existing furniture, cleaning the house, as well as the rooftop, are some of the simple steps involved in this process. An important part of staging is choosing new accessories and furniture to dress up your newfound space, creating a welcoming and warm environment. Your worn-out couch and easy chair imprinted with your television viewing hours are the best home- selling features. Home staging allows prospective buyers to see all the possibilities your home can offer. They need to be able to imagine their own lives taking place in each part of the home. From a survey carried out, 90% of home buyers in the U.S. first search for houses on the Internet. So, when you’re listing a house, the photos need to be captivating to the buyers — so much so that they can’t wait to see the house in person! Money spent on staging shouldn’t be considered as waste, but as an investment or cost of doing business — and it will be recovered when the property is sold. It will pay off in the long run, when the home’s perceived value is boosted. According to the Real Estate Staging Association, properties that are well-staged professionally and look more appealing spend about 75% less time on the market. They are most viewed by


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