What if I told you that you could live out your golden years with more money, more time, more freedom, more peace and security and less stress? Imagine making a profit from the sale of your house and having increased cash flow in your future. Imagine saving money on bills and gas. Imagine naturally becoming more organized and reducing your consumption of “stuff.” Imagine better accessibility. Imagine putting less pressure on your adult children as you age. Imagine enjoying more free time and less stress! You would say “Sign me up!” right? These benefits could all be yours in the future as you think about changing your living situation. Even if you can’t picture exactly where you’ll live in the next 10 or 20 years (or what type of home you’ll move into), that’s OK! The options are endless when you move toward empty nesting and retirement.

This book is for you if you:

• Are just starting to think about moving to a new home. • Are considering moving but aren’t sure about the best way to go about it. • Are taking the first steps toward saying goodbye to your home and preparing to say hello to a new one and a new, exciting future. • Have questions or doubts about moving. • Feel overwhelmed about the process, especially if you’ve accumulated a lot of “stuff” over the years and need to do a major decluttering overhaul. • Aren’t sure about the benefits of moving. • Don’t know which repairs or updates to make before selling.


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