get rid of much of it.

But the short-term hassle is worth it. You’ll be forced to eliminate all that clutter and end up with only what you need and your most valuable items. This will free up space in your home and in your mind.

5. Accessibility

For many individuals entering retirement — especially those with health or mobility issues — accessibility within a home becomes increasingly important. Stairs are one example. As much as we all might not like to admit it, as we age, mobility can become more of an issue. Stairs are often barriers that prevent people from enjoying the full use of their homes. Stairs can also significantly increase the risk of falls and subsequent injuries. Your longtime home might have served you well over the last few decades, but it could become more challenging and riskier as you age. Mobility issues present an even greater challenge. However, downsizing from a two- or three-level home into a smaller, one-level house, condo, or apartment can give you greater accessibility, allowing you to live in your new home for longer instead of needing to switch to an assisted-living facility before you need one.

6. Less Driving

One unexpected benefit of downsizing is that you will probably drive less. If you’ve lived in a larger home in the suburbs for years, you’ve likely become used to driving to most places, including work,


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