surroundings when viewed from the street” ( — is as important as correct price-setting and is critical to selling your home for more. Think of curb appeal as a “drive-by viewing.” It’s so powerful a selling tool that your well-prepared house could even catch the attention of buyers who weren’t attracted by your home’s written description or even looking to buy. In fact, even if you do have a great written description of your home online, along with high-quality photos, and your home is up-to-date and in good repair, the curb appeal of your home will influence a buyer’s decision before they even enter the house! That’s how important it is. The outside appearance of your property should serve as an invitation to come inside. Your job is to make sure your home gives off a fantastic first impression. A potential buyer will be looking for signs that point to how well the home has been taken care of and maintained over time; for homeowners who are downsizing, this timeframe can mean decades of maintenance (or lack thereof). Of course, how appealing the home looks is important, but beyond aesthetics, the buyer is looking for evidence of wear, tear, and neglect. The next time you drive up to your home, try to think like a buyer. Take a good, hard, objective look at your house from the outside, as if you’re seeing it for the first time. What do you notice? Take note of everything that needs attention. With simple improvements like weeding, trimming, window washing, and decluttering the yard and garage, you can improve the appearance of your home in just a day. Follow the tips I’ve listed below to ensure your home has the curb appeal it needs to attract buyers or even passersby who aren’t even in the market for a new home, but notice yours and fall in love. You might feel overwhelmed, but remember that it takes time and hard work to get a home ready to sell. Anyone can put a house on the market, but not everyone can sell that house quickly or make


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