Your home won’t sell fast and at the price you want if you don’t care of this. • Flooring: Most buyers are now looking for hardwood floors or good quality wood laminates (also call engineered wood) that are easy to manage rather than carpeting. Tiled floors are also acceptable but may • need additional work for installation. Tile is good for kitchen and bathrooms, and high traffic areas. If you think this improvement would increase your home’s value and bring profit, consider upgrading your flooring. • HVAC replacement: New and more energy-efficient systems are continually being introduced to the market, with a one- time cost that helps save a lot of money on utility bills. If you want to add a new and unique selling point to your listing, make this replacement as part of your home improvement strategy and watch the offers start coming.


Remember, it’s not wise to spend your money updating, upgrading, and repairing everything in your home. You might not get the return on investment you’re hoping for. Not all things are worth repairing; some need to be thrown out and others simply need to be replaced. The suggestions above are suggestions; they might not all apply to your home. Instead, carefully inspect your home and then develop a plan that will match your budget, that will improve your home, and increase your home’s value. For example, if your kitchen appliances are ugly, outdated, or not even working well, it’s not worth repairing them; you need to replace them. If your budget doesn’t allow this upgrade, then get to work on cleaning your appliances like you’ve never done 82

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