27 Ways to Get Listings

Geographic Farming  Geographical farming — or geographical marketing — is the practice of making yourself  well-known in a local area. There are a few ways to go about doing this.  Before we get into this, you want to keep in mind that you should go after neighborhoods that have  a high turnover rate. You don't want to be trying to farm an area that only has a 4% turnover rate  unless the listing commissions are huge. If that’s the case, it might make sense.  It's all about the math. What are you spending to get the lead and get the listing? What is the  commission you're going to earn? If that math doesn't make sense, you're not going to be profitable.  Always run the math before you go into a geographical farm to ensure you’re making a wise move.   Additionally, make sure the area you’re going to farm is close to your office or your home so it's  convenient for you. You should also check to see if there is any pre-existing competition. If there's  already a well-established, go-to agent in the area, are you willing to spend the money and expend  the energy to knock them off their pedestal, so to speak? If the answer is no, find a less competitive  area to get business.   Once you've established where you want to do some geographical farming, there are a lot of ways to  pursue it. If you live in the neighborhood, you are already a few steps ahead because you can go to  things like HOA meetings, community events, block parties, etc.   I know a real estate agent who lives three doors down from me, and she hustles the crap out of my  street. She is out there networking even when she’s doing simple things like walking her dog. Since  she is around all the time, I’m sure when people in the neighborhood think about real estate, they  probably think of her.  So if you do live in the neighborhood you’re hoping to work, you have a huge advantage over  somebody who does not. Regardless, if you’re looking to do some geographical farming, there are a  few things you can do to make your efforts as effective as possible.  #7: Geographic Farming and Marketing ● EDDM Postcards  Every Door Direct Mail, or EDDM for short, is a wholesale way to mail postcards. They  don’t even have to be postcards — you can send out flat mail or even magazines. The cool 


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