27 Ways to Get Listings

optimize your keywords for that local community, you will catch the attention of a lot of  people in that area. You can start building relationships that way, especially if you do a  subtle pitch at the end of the video.  ● Your YouTube channel shouldn’t just be home listings or tours. If you're out attending a  local event, make a video about it. ​ “Hey, this is Calvin from Authorify, and I’m at the air show  today. I wanted to show you all these awesome planes that are flying over my head.” Anything like  that will work because it will get people to connect with your channel even if they’re not  searching specifically for real estate content.  #20: LinkedIn Let's talk a little bit about LinkedIn. I’ll be the first to admit that I haven't done a great job with it.  However, I've heard from a lot of real estate agents and other people in the business that LinkedIn is  really powerful. Obviously, it's hard for anyone to be the best at everything, so pick the social  networking platforms you gravitate toward, or at least pick only the ones you think you'll be best at  or the most excited about.  LinkedIn is a really good way to connect with local influencers because it's viewed more like a  business platform. Let's say you're dealing with an affluent home seller: you can connect with him  on LinkedIn and then potentially get him to recommend you in your industry and then possibly  earn other recommendations.  While a lot less people are active on the platform than on Facebook, 77 percent of users are 30 years  old or older and make household choices. In fact, studies show that 90 percent of users on LinkedIn  make household choices.  According to the NAR®, the median age of first-time buyers is 32 years, and the typical homeowner  is 55 years old. Even though only 29 percent of people use the platform weekly, that 29 percent is  likely to be made up of people who will be interested in your services.  Here are some key pointers:   ● Join real estate groups and real estate referral groups on LinkedIn. LinkedIn has incredibly  valuable groups that every agent on the platform should join. Here are a few of the best  ones.   ● Optimize your personal page and keep it up to date. This is where you show off your real  estate expertise. It doesn’t have to just be a formal resume of your accomplishments. Add  some personal information, as well, just like you would on your website. 


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