27 Ways to Get Listings

Introduction  Hi, guys. It's Calvin Curry here. In this guide, we're going to talk  about ​ 27 Ways to Get Listings​ . The first thing to keep in mind as  you go out and generate new leads and go after new lead sources is  to be aware of spreading yourself too thin. I call it chasing too  many rabbits.   There's an old proverb that says, ​ “He who chases two rabbits catches  none.” So that’s something to keep in mind as you go out and  establish new sources of leads or new sources of business. Think  about yourself as a specialist rather than a generalist. Try not to be 

a victim of “shiny object syndrome.” The person who's out there chasing one shiny object after the  next — and not getting good at anything — isn’t working smart. We've all heard the phrase, ​ “Jack of  all trades, master of none.” Keep that in mind.   As I go through the list of all these ways to generate business, I hope to offer you valuable advice  and inspire your brain to think of ways you can implement these strategies in your own business.  Even if these ideas are things you're already aware of or strategies you may have tried in the past, I  want you to look at them with a fresh perspective and consider new ways you could approach them  in the future.  Some of the ideas I cover are going to be really obvious, while some you may not have considered  before. I hope you can take one or two ideas from this guide and start testing and implementing  them in your own business. Let's get started.  


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