27 Ways to Get Listings

Exclusive Books

Exclusive Biz Card

As a real estate agent, you know what it takes to sell a home for the  most money possible. In this book, you’ll show sellers the most  effective tactics to get the most money out of their home sales in the 

shortest amount of time.   Inside, sellers will find: 

● An overview of the sales process.  ● The #1 secret strategy to selling homes for more money.  ● Marketing techniques employed by top agents.  ● Advice on how to appeal to today’s buyers.  ● Tips for upgrading with the greatest return on investment.  ● A negotiation guide to get more money.  ● And much more. 

Exclusive Expired Book

When a homeowner’s listing expires, chances are, they’re feeling  discouraged and wondering why their home — the home they fell in  love with and where they’ve made countless family memories — isn’t  selling. With this book, you can show them it isn’t their fault.   In this book, you’ll show home sellers:  ● Why their home may not have sold.  ● Signs their agent could be hurting their chances.  ● Marketing techniques to improve their chances of selling.  ● How to sell their home without dropping the price. 

● Upgrades guaranteed to get them top dollar.  ● How to rise above poor market conditions. 


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