27 Ways to Get Listings

As an example, when my wife and I were looking for a home, we ended  up driving through all sorts of neighborhoods. There wasn't much  inventory in our price range in the area, so we were driving all over the  place. We were stopping at people's houses and asking if they or their  neighbors wanted to sell.  We didn’t have any luck with this method, but a person who lived in the  same condominium complex as us ended up buying one of the homes we  were going to check out. It turns out, the home had been up for sale on  Zillow as a FSBO two years earlier.   So this person knocked on the homeowner’s door and said, "Hey, we  noticed you tried to sell your home a while ago. Would you still be  interested in selling it?" The homeowners said yes, and they sold it just 

like that, at what I believe was the price from two years earlier. They simply had no luck selling it,  but they were ready to sell the moment this person knocked on their door. That's a great reason to  go after old FSBOs.  To land leads in the two aforementioned niches, consider using one of our FSBO books, which  show FSBOs how much work goes into selling on their own and shows them the benefits of  working with a licensed real estate agent. ​ Visit authorify.com to learn more.   #4: Expired Listings Another obvious lead generator is expired listings. If you're not going after expired listings, you  definitely should be — they are some of the best leads out there. Call them up or mail them your  promotional packet. I like mailing a book because it makes me stand out from all the other agents  who are calling them. Afterward, I follow up with them and try to offer valuable resources and just  be there to help in general.  You’ll likely find that expired owners are sick and tired of answering phone calls from eager agents.  You’ll also quickly realize they have been hearing the same thing over, and over, and over again —  oftentimes about how their listing was overpriced.   The good news is that with so many agents going after expireds in the same way, it’s easy to stand  out from the crowd!  The first step is to find a way to be different from everyone else. How can you do that?  In real estate, you don’t have a consumable product to offer. What you do have is yourself. Nobody  else is you, or ever can be. 


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