price the buyers pay for your home by the same amount.

If the only thing preventing you from selling your home is the out-of-pocket cost for closing fees, and you’re able to pay it, it would be beneficial for you to do so. You should recoup that money by raising the price on your home by the same amount. You see, buyers might not be able to come up with extra cash for closing costs, but they often can borrow more money with their loan. Many buyers don’t realize that if you pay their closing costs, you’re giving up some substantial profit on your home’s sale. You should help them realize that fact in your counteroffer. Here’s how you handle the situation. When the buyer submits an offer that includes you paying the closing costs, simply counter with an offer that says you’ll do that. That is, you’ll do it as long as they agree to the higher price you’re proposing for your home.

>Show me some numbers, please! w me some numbers, please!

• Let’s say, for instance, your asking price is $250,000. • Closing costs would be approximately $7,500. • Your bidder makes an offer for $240,000 and additionally asks you to pay the closing costs. • We understand this means you would be letting your home go for $17,500 less than you asked for it. That’s a nice chunk of change, and often more than anyone with a house worth the asking price is willing to sacrifice. • So, you make a more reasonable request. Simply counter by agreeing to pay the $7,500 in closing costs, but only if the bidder is willing to pay the original price of $250,000 for the property.


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