A HOME WARRANTY LETS YOU SLEEP BETTER AT NIGHT Whether you’re a first-time homebuyer or empty-nester downsizing after several previous home buys, it might be a smart idea to have a warranty plan, so that you can sleep well at night. This advice also applies to the experienced real estate owners who just don’t want to have the thought of maintenance and repairs hanging over their heads. A home warranty is a way of protecting yourself from expensive, unexpected repair bills. Depending on the local market, as well as on the deal, the home warranty can be paid either by the seller or by the buyer. A home warranty paid for by the seller can be a negotiation point or inducement offering to protect the buyer from having to do any additional, expensive repairs to the house after the property is closed. The cost of a home warranty is generally not too expensive, depending on the coverage. The payment must be made one year in advance. In case you need to use such a warranty, the procedure is simple. When there’s a problem, the owner calls the warranty company, who then provides the name of the service technician. They will call the owner to schedule an appointment to fix the problem. The insurance company will pay the service bill (sometimes minus a small deductible). Be careful when choosing a plan because there are many coverage differences. Pay attention when reading the fine print relating to the conditions for coverage and the reasons claims may be denied. The secret to getting a good insurance plan rests in dealing with a reputable company and knowing all the details.


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