AFY Jim Westerfield - Expired V1

BE DESCRIPTIVE Focus on your description. Put one or two special features right at the beginning of the description so people will see them immediately. You can also put them in your headline. This will help attract the right people. If you do this, you’ll notice the quality of your leads improve. You will show your home to people ready to make a purchase. You will also get more offers close to or at your asking price. While all of this is great news, you still have one more thing you can do to increase your sales. TURN A NEGATIVE INTO A POSITIVE Nothing kills a sale like a big negative. Fortunately, you can often turn a negative into a positive. Consider this example. Let’s imagine you own a house built 10 years ago. You want to sell your home, but there’s a problem. A nice, new development recently opened in the area. Builders are selling brand-new houses. The houses are roughly the same, but the current price for the new properties is about $40,000 more than the asking price of your home. Nevertheless, buyers will choose the brand-new houses just because they are new. They hold a greater perceived value. Buyers don’t stop to consider that in five years, it won’t matter. Their house will be five years old, and your place will be 15 years old. But that’s not all. Their five-year-old place will not fetch an extra $40,000 compared to your 15-year-old house. When the buyers of the no-longer-new house decide to sell, they will actually end up losing money . The appeal of a new house is gone, and they won’t recoup the extra $40,000 they spent buying new. Show themwhat they are missing. Fortunately, you can educate buyers and get them interested in your house. You just need a way to capture their attention, and highlight the positive aspects of your property. Create an ad with a headline that says, “Don’t buy a new house in (Development Name) until you see this house.”Then you could go over reasons people would benefit from buying your home.


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