Steam Clean: Stained carpets need more in-depth treatment than a regular carpet shampooer can offer. If that’s the case, go with a steam cleaning and spot treatment. Either rent a steam cleaning shampooer, or hire a professional carpet cleaner. If you’re dealing with severe stains or damage, get a cleaning estimate first. Then compare the price to replacing the carpet. Cleaning can make a tremendous difference and save the cost of replacement. Sometimes deep cleaning works but cannot remove an extra stubborn stain. You might be able to cover up isolated bad spots with rugs. Adding a tasteful area or throw rug makes the room a little more attractive for showings. Don’t be dishonest about a trouble spot, though. If your carpet was in such bad shape that a steam cleaning didn’t remove all the stains, it will be evident to buyers that the carpet will need to be replaced. Even if your carpet is beyond the help of professional cleaning, you might not want to replace it. New carpeting is a big expense for most people to fit into their budgets. Carpet, like paint, is a very personal choice. It would be a shame to re-carpet, only to discover a family loves everything about your house but the carpeting you just purchased! Instead, work with what you have. Clean it, and put down rugs. Keep it vacuumed. Stop the family from eating and drinking on it—effective immediately. Confine pets to rooms with slick floors for easy mopping. Do everything you can to keep the carpet from getting worse. If a buyer loves everything in your home except the ugly carpeting, they might overlook it. They might be willing to


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