Sphere of Influence Guide-Authorify

Chapter 5: Engagement Tips for Social Media  Long before social media became the mainstay it is now, I was regularly calling and emailing  prospects and clients, asking them for feedback and reviews or just checking in. I thrived on it, and  they were happy to engage with me because it was clear that they mattered.  These days, you probably use multiple social media platforms just like I do. And while you might  not know everyone who follows you the way you know people in person, the same principles of  making them feel special to encourage great business rapport continue to apply. Yes, even people  you only know on a virtual basis count as part of your sphere. That’s how cold leads become warm!  If they regularly look to you for engaging content, chances are they will want to do business with  you in the future.   Facebook  Facebook has plenty of advantages, including a variety of ways to engage with followers.  In fact, out of these three platforms, you have probably used Facebook the most for your real estate  business. But are you using it correctly to gain likes and direct people to your website and other  content?  Promote Your Brand  ● Keep your page up to date. Make sure your contact information (including your website) is  all relevant. Include links to your other social media pages, such as Twitter and Instagram.  Your profile picture and cover photo should be switched out often, as well.  ● Keep fresh photos in your albums, as new visitors to your page will most likely be looking  for photos. Offer photos of recent listings, as well as recent homes sold, if applicable. Don’t  be afraid to ask clients if you can post a happy photo of a home closing!  ● Come up with a posting schedule. Yes, Facebook will allow you to schedule posts for the  future, but many agents still prefer using programs such as HootSuite, SproutSocial or  Buffer to manage multiple accounts.  ● Make sure your posts are varied. Instead of always sharing a motivational meme, for  example, opt for several kinds of content, including survey questions, photos, links to your  own blog or website and links to articles about the real estate industry.  Here are a few tips. 


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