Sphere of Influence Guide-Authorify

Connect With Others  ● Comment as much as possible. Venture to other pages and post comments so that strangers  notice you, keeping everything you say positive and friendly.  ● Share posts from other pages in the industry, as well as relevant pages within your  community, such as local events or news. You’ll want to remain relevant to folks who are  shopping for homes in your neck of the woods, and giving them the scoop is key.  ● Give shout-outs to other businesses when you can. Not only does it help you build  relationships, but it gives you more visibility. Did you recently have lunch at a local taco  spot with a client? Tag that establishment. Did you stage a home recently and borrow  furniture from a friendly business? Give them a mention on your page.  Twitter  With 326 million monthly active users currently using Twitter, you can’t afford not to have a  Twitter account for your real estate business. With practice, you can engage with followers and  earn new leads.   Promote Your Brand  ● Stand out with a profile photo of yourself (not your logo), a relevant location and a succinct  bio that shares who you are, as well as a link to your website. Try something like: I’m John  Doe, a Realtor in the Jacksonville, Florida metro. View recent listings at JohnDoeinJax.com.  The header photo can be a beautiful home you recently listed, a page from your website, or  whatever you think will attract visual attention.  ● Make sure your profile and Tweets are completely public — there’s a box you have to  uncheck so anyone can find you and search your Tweets.  ● Use a social media manager such as Buffer or SproutSocial to schedule out Tweets. You  should try to Tweet at least once daily, if not two or three times.  ● What should you Tweet? Videos do well on this platform, so I suggest a quick video of a  home you have listed, relevant market statistics and the occasional motivational quote.  Connect With Others  Once you have a profile and get accustomed to Tweeting, it’s time to connect with followers. Try  these tips for getting more followers on Twitter and ensuring they stay engaged. 


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