Sphere of Influence Guide-Authorify

Make your LinkedIn profile a custom URL.  

There’s an option to the right of the banner on your profile to do this. If you don’t change it, you’ll  have a long, drawn-out string of characters for your profile’s URL. 

Create a custom URL to stand out and improve your credibility. Use your name or your company’s  name in it. When someone views your profile, you’ll immediately look more established by having a  URL that mentions your name and/or your company’s name.  Reach out for endorsements or recommendations.  When you list your skills, people can endorse them to give you more clout. Reach out to your  colleagues and past clients for endorsements. Also, ask for recommendations from past clients —  there’s a section for this, as well.  Add local content or repost from credible sources.   Keep your profile active by posting relevant content that doesn't necessarily have to do with your  real estate business. It can be something you created or shared from another source. Keep it local if  you can, or keep it relevant to the connections you've made.  Make local connections.   You should aim to send out 10 connections a day. Use the “suggested connections” feature. Once  you’re connected, users will be subscribed to your feed, and you’ll have the ability to message them.  You can use the “advanced search” feature to connect with locals who could be good referral  partners or even potential clients. Just reach out to them, and tell them you’re looking to connect  with locals in the housing market, or you’re looking for referral partners. Offer to answer any  questions they may have.  This is a good way to ensure no one unfollows you for flooding them with strictly sales content. 

Ask them questions about their businesses and backgrounds, as well. Then, you can sort your  connections according to the types of potential clients or resources they might be. 


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