Sphere of Influence Guide-Authorify

Host a Monthly Brainstorming Meeting 

This is a clever way to paint yourself as an expert in the community. You can go over sales ideas and  techniques with people in different sales industries. 

This can also serve as an excellent way to get new insights for yourself about community  happenings. 

Bring some articles and other information on successful sales tactics. You want to be known as a  real estate expert, and sales is a big part of this.  Engage in Performance Art  In today’s market, sometimes you need to think outside the box to get people’s attention. Putting  together a creative or funny skit as a “live advertisement” at community functions, theater shows  and other places can be a cool new way to garner attention, and whatever you do can be posted  online later. Who knows; you might go viral and then your reputation will precede you!  

The more you’re seen and known in your community, the better, especially if you offer a look into  your daily life and business. This is how you build trust with people you haven’t personally met.  

The most important thing to do is to make the performance memorable. When you accomplish  this, you can stay at the forefront of people’s minds so that when you talk to them, they will  remember you.  Sponsor a Local Sports Team 

Local teams are always looking for a sponsor for uniforms.  

Best of all, your logo, name, and contact information typically can go on the back of the uniform.  

This is even better if it’s a youth team, since the parents will be watching. It increases your visibility,  and when you attend the events, it’s a good way to break the ice.  


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