Sphere of Influence Guide-Authorify

4. Try putting your message into human hands. 

You know that old saying that people may forget what you said, but they’ll never forget how you  made them feel? 

It’s true — human interaction is the most powerful marketing tool we have. Take advantage of that  tool by maintaining eye contact and a friendly smile anytime you’re offering your prospects  something to remember you by. But you don’t have to knock on doors without announcing yourself  first, if you’d rather not. Call, introduce yourself, and make an appointment. (You could also send  materials in the mail first, then call.)  For Abbe, this personal approach led to some of her best leads. She was hesitant at first, like many  of you probably are, but she quickly learned that people are receptive if you’re friendly and  knowledgeable. She brought her custom book that she made with Authorify to add to her  credibility.   “Sometimes, I like to call first and say, ‘I'm working with buyers — can I show your home?’” Abbe  says. “Or, ‘May I preview your home to see if it's a good fit for my buyer?’ Then, I would bring my  book with me, so this way they know I'm coming, no surprise visits. I never just knocked on  somebody's door.”  “You know what? I might, just for the heck of it, get uncomfortable and knock because there's  somebody up the street next door and I know their house is FSBO, and I might just say, ‘Hey, I live  [in this] house, and I pass your block all the time, I just wanted to see what your house is about. I  wanted to bring you a book and share this with you. I'm very confident that the information in this  book will help you sell your home, and, as a matter of fact, if you don't mind, I'd like to see your  home because I am working with buyers in the neighborhood.”  5. Create value.  How does something become valuable? Here’s a hint — it’s not necessarily based on cost. Value is  created out of perception. That means you can get prospects to perceive your marketing materials as  valuable if you treat them that way.  Keep in mind, however, that an in-person “cold call” isn’t out of the question. Look at why Abbe is  willing to consider it: 


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