Sphere of Influence Guide-Authorify

For all of these contests, you can pick the best ones, then post and let people vote on their favorites.  Whoever gets the most likes wins a prize. You could give out gift cards to local restaurants, treats  from a local bakery or tickets to Halloween events.  

You could also post Halloween trivia questions. If you post a link to a quiz, make sure to require a  name/contact information so you can reach out to any participants in the future.  

Draw a winner from all of the top scorers — and consider making the quizzes timed so people can’t  cheat!  Hand out your marketing materials with treats.   While we’re not suggesting you sit out in your driveway and hand out marketing materials on  Halloween night — seriously, no one wants to be that person, let alone work with him/her — it’s  not a bad idea to do some door knocking the week before Halloween and offer your materials as  part of a goodie package.  For adults, this can include a bottle of seasonal wine or some homemade pumpkin treats. Just be  sure to check the real estate laws of your state to make sure you aren’t violating any rules about  handing out items of value. 

For kids, you can offer candy, coloring books, stickers, small toys or craft supplies.  


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