Sphere of Influence Guide-Authorify

You can “host” lots of different Thanksgiving-themed “events” utilizing your online platforms. 

One way to generate interaction is by holding a trivia contest. Do some online research to find  interesting Thanksgiving facts to turn into trivia questions. 

Create a quiz using a free website like FlexiQuiz, post it on your social media pages, and draw a  winner from all the people who score 100%. Again, you may want to consider timing the quiz so  people won’t cheat and look up the answers online! 

This is a terrific way to build your email list, since you should have a capture form that needs to be  completed before a prospect can gain access to the questions/submit a form. 

Gift cards to coffee or doughnut shops, coupons for local events, or even free listing photos are  great ideas to offer for prizes.  Finding new leads is easy as pie. 

Sticking with the contest theme, you can arrange a pie-baking contest as a way to build community  involvement. You can also set up a food collection at the event and donate pies to local food banks. 

Reach out to the local library, school, fire station or YMCA to find out if they’d be willing to host  the contest, or scale down and have the contest at your office, with fellow agents acting as judges. 

Ask the fire chief or chief of police to be judges. A favorite school principal and/or local sports star  are terrific options, too. 

Do some leg work to get local sponsors to help with prizes, or manage on your own. 

Just be certain that your office or business is featured on the promotions.  

Consider presenting local workers a plaque or card with a thank you message expressing your  appreciation for their dedicated service to the community.  Volunteer at a local soup kitchen or food-delivery service. 

Another way to get involved is to volunteer your time to help feed those in need. 

You could arrange a food drop off at your office or serve at a soup kitchen. 


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