Sphere of Influence Guide-Authorify

Advertise community service events in your blog, newsletter, website, online forums, and social  media pages. Contact local community newspapers to see if they’ll publish a story about your event. 

Hire a photographer to take high-quality photos and videos from your event, which you can later  share online.  Sponsor a fun holiday event.  Sponsoring a local holiday event puts you at the forefront of all the publicity it generates. You can  sponsor a local holiday market event, where booths offer holiday goodies and gifts for sale, along  with your real estate booth. Team up with a local school or church to offer a holiday fundraising  bazaar with booths.  Holiday running or biking events are very popular. Find a local bike path or jogging trail in a park  or private property. Then, coordinate with local running, biking, and sports groups to sponsor and  obtain the required permits or owner permissions for the event.  Booths at these events should offer bottled water, refreshments, and items of interest for bikers and  runners, along with your real estate booth.  Send cards to everyone and gifts to your former clients.  Send holiday cards or gifts to former clients and potential leads. Think of your holiday cards or gifts  as subtle promotions disguised as thoughtful gestures.  Have participants dress in festive attire, and make it fun! 

Consider including a small handwritten note on any cards or gifts you send out, along with your  book. 

Cards to former clients should remind them you’re always available for referrals and to meet any of  their future real estate leads. 

Your holiday card can include an offer like a free home warranty plan for purchasing a home  through you, or you can offer a free CMA. 

Send out your books to past, current, and potential clients. 


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