Sphere of Influence Guide-Authorify

Remind your followers of tax incentives. 

The end of the year provides last-minute tax incentives. December always offers taxpayers a last  chance for savings before the tax year ends. 

Capital gains exclusion or deferment, business or investment property depreciation, and deductions  on new mortgage interest expenses are just a few end-of-the-year tax benefits. 

Every December, tax professionals advertise end-of-the-year tax savings. This is everyone’s last  chance to take advantage of old tax laws expiring. 

Smart real estate agents promote year-end tax savings to potential clients. Tax loopholes come and  go. If December offers homeowners and real estate investors a final opportunity to take advantage  of a tax loophole — closing by the end of the month — why not promote it? 

Social posts about winter 

Plan for your website and blog posts to emphasize a winter theme. Some good topics include: 

● Tips on how to winterize a home or how to safeguard a home while people are away over  the holidays 

● Favorite holiday recipes and home or office decorating ideas  ● A guide to local holiday and winter events, especially your own  ● How to save money shopping for gifts 

Above all, the holidays are a perfect opportunity to use your books to land listings. Any of the  aforementioned strategies can be enhanced when you give potential clients a self-authored book.  Visit Authorify.com for information.  


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