Sphere of Influence Guide-Authorify

Chapter 2: How to Rank People in Your Sphere Here at Authorify, our mantra is working smarter, not harder, and the same idea applies to reaching  out to your sphere of influence. You certainly don’t want to invest a lot of time and money into cold  leads or even past clients who aren’t open to engaging with you and your real estate business.   That’s why it’s imperative to keep evaluating individuals, whether they’re acquaintances or former  clients. How can you do this? The first thing to do is take your list of contacts that you started  thinking about in the first chapter.  

Once you have your list of contacts, start dividing the list up into the following three categories: hot  leads, warm leads and cold leads.  

If you’ve been in the business a while, you know the difference between a hot, warm and cold lead  — but you might not regularly take the time to consider who in your sphere falls in each category.  

Here are a few questions to ask yourself about each person, so you can better determine whether  they are hot, warm or cold:  

❏ How did you meet the person?   ❏ Does the person live in your community?   ❏ Has the person bought or sold real estate recently?   ❏ Has the person worked with you previously?   ❏ In the case of previous clients, did they enjoy working with you?  ❏ When did you last engage with the person?  

Once you figure out who counts as a hot contact, you will want to move them to the forefront of  any marketing campaigns.  

Let me explain further.  

If a lead is cold, ​ that means they don’t know much about you and your business or perhaps do not  need to buy or sell real estate at the moment. Your goal with a cold lead is to stay in front of them,  so that when the time comes and they need an agent, they will think of you. Interacting in the  community, sending occasional content emails and staying connected on social media are great ways  to stay in front of cold leads.  


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