Sphere of Influence Guide-Authorify


If people in your sphere of influence trust you as a person, they’re more likely to recommend you to  friends and family members who are looking to buy or sell their homes.  

● Offer people in your sphere of influence helpful advice about their homes (when they ask),  and refer them to reputable contractors. If you establish yourself as a helpful professional  with no strings attached, people will remember and send business your way.   ● Patronize businesses owned by people in your sphere of influence. When it comes time to  give someone a real estate referral, they’ll return the favor.   How to Build Your Unique Selling Point and Stand Out  Now, let’s talk about how to build your unique selling point as an agent and how that one unique  selling point can make a huge difference in growing your sphere and your business.   Many times, we hear someone talk about our “selling point,” and we think to ourselves, “What  accolades do I have? What accomplishments do I have? Why would people look up to me?”   But thinking this way is an error. If we do, we discredit our human side, our personal story and  struggles, and what our passions and professional experience outside of real estate can do for our  prospects.  I want to share with you part of a conversation I had with a real estate agent in Winnipeg, Canada,  named Marco, and how he found his niche and is building his unique selling proposition with his  story.  “I'm a plumber, a gasfitter by trade. I was in plumbing and heating for over 22 years, and probably  the last 12 or 13 years … I was the owner of the company. In 2003, I read ​ Rich Dad, Poor Dad and  started buying real estate — started buying real estate, started rehabbing, and before you know it,  I'm doing, you know, 60- or 70-lot subdivisions, and my name's out there as, you know, once a  plumber, tradesman, now a real estate investor and developer. Now, I'm a Realtor.”  “I did a little bit of radio ads, which was kind of neat. I sat down with their creative team and kind of  told [them] what I just told you; this is who I am, this is what I bring to the table. And they did a  really neat 30-second ad. ‘Here's Marco, the right Realtor, the Realtor who looks behind the  staging.’ Just a cute little 30-second thing. I ran it for about six months, but man, that's expensive.  Basically it's like, Marco will look behind the staging. He looks in the walls at your foundation. He  knows. And if it needs work, he knows the people because he's from the trade. Call Marco; he's the  right Realtor right now. So it was neat, and that's kind of what my unique selling point would be, I  guess. Because, initially, when I started as a Realtor, I was trying to think, ‘What's my unique selling  proposition? Why would people use me?’ 


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