FSBO Guide - Authorify

I ask this question because I want to know whether the applicant is going to be  available within my timetable. It is common to see applicants who currently hold a  job at a local company but are trying to change jobs. Some of them want to be able to  work from home so that they will be able to take care of their children and manage  their homes without hiring help.   However, people who are in the process of changing jobs might not be able to start  working on your job immediately. They may need to wait until their two weeks’  notice is over, and this can cause a problem if you are in a hurry.  ● “Howmuch do you want me to pay you monthly?”   Sometimes I phrase this question differently: “What is the maximum amount you  think you can make as a virtual assistant?”  Whatever form the question comes in, the motive is always to see whether their  expectations are similar to what you would like to offer. If they overvalue  themselves, they probably won’t be happy with the job. If they undervalue  themselves, then you can save some money by giving them only what they asked for.   I have used this method in the past when I didn’t want to tell people how much I  wanted to pay. Instead, I wanted to see how much they thought the job was worth. I  don’t use that method often anymore. However, before I stopped implementing it, I  realized that those who undervalued themselves were usually those who lived far  away from a major city or those who were inexperienced.  If I simply set the price at $500 dollars, then I may end up overpaying someone who  is not experienced enough to earn that kind of money yet. Because I prefer not to  overpay or underpay, I saw some benefit to this method.   I stopped doing this because when someone would undervalue themselves, and I  would pay them the amount they asked for, I found that they often quickly left for a  job that paid what they deserved. ​ I was losing good employees.  This is one of the reasons that I re-phrased the question. By asking, “What is the  maximum amount you think you can make as a virtual assistant?” I can identify what  people hope to make. This question helps me identify people who are freelancers at  heart. They might be taking the job in order to stay busy for a short while before  they begin true freelancing again.  This type of person may say that they are interested in taking a steady position for a  short while so that they do not have to market themselves continually.  


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