FSBO Guide - Authorify

We will now discuss particular questions you may want to use during the interview. This first one  falls into the chit-chat category.   I usually begin with, “​ Please tell me something about yourself ,” because I want the person to volunteer  information without my having to ask a more specific question. In general, open-ended questions  elicit more information than questions candidates can answer with a simple yes or no.  Sometimes the candidate will try to clarify whether I mean something personal, but I avoid  answering this because I want them to talk about whatever they feel most comfortable telling me.  I invite them to allow me to get to know them a little better. During this portion of the interview, I  don’t talk much. I simply respond when appropriate and try to build rapport. On occasion, I might want a few more details about what they’ve told me, so I’ll ask follow-up  questions. Often you can find out why they’re not at their former position anymore.   Was their employer unhappy with them? Did the company close? Was the candidate fired?   Next, I usually ask, “​ What type of work have you done until now? ” This question is very generic, and the  candidate might even repeat some of what they said in their previous answer.   Sometimes I will vary the questions or skip some of them. Another good question to ask is, “​ In your  area, what’s the best internet you can get? ” Keep in mind that it’s possible they don’t have good access to the internet. Let’s assume that you  need a video editor. He or she will need to take video footage that you create in the United States  and edit the footage on their PC before sending it back to you.   If they don’t have reliable, high-speed internet service, they perhaps would need an entire working  day to download a small video. That’s going to be a waste of your time.   Internet speed might not be so important if you hire a graphic designer who has the ability to work  offline. In that instance, he or she can simply get online when it’s necessary to submit work. The  same is true for a writer.   In most cases, it’s important to make sure that your assistant has the best internet access possible  and to consider whether they can afford to pay the internet bill.  If you want to hire someone for $100 dollars a month and their internet bill is $25 dollars a month,  that indicates they are going to be living below the poverty level. That can be a red flag for you, and  you might not want to hire them. I suggest you not hire someone for such a small amount of  money. 


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