FSBO Guide - Authorify

You also might want to ask them if they went to college, and where. This will help indicate their  ambition level. If you have multiple candidates, you likely want to hire someone who went to  college over someone who didn’t.   You also will want to ask them about their desired salary. Ask them how or why they came up with  the figure they’ve requested.   These answers will help you determine who to hire. I often avoid people who are too ambitious  because I know they will quickly become dissatisfied and move on.   I also avoid people who are actually freelancers, not virtual assistants.  It may also be a good idea to ask them for the highest amount they can reasonably imagine making  in one year.   Because in the Philippines it is customary for a person to make about $300 dollars a month, their  reasonable annual income is between $3,500 and $5,000.   If someone hopes to make $100,000 dollars a year, or anywhere close to a salary more common in  the United States, that may be a red flag.  The next question you should ask is, “​ Do you have an account on freelancing websites, and do you take  jobs there? ”   I don’t tell interviewees the names of the websites unless they provide those names themselves. If  they do provide the names of the websites, they most often mention Freelancer, Upwork, or Elance.   If they are actively freelancing, I usually decide against hiring them. Freelancers often are working  for more than one person at a time and may not be as devoted as a virtual assistant would be. I have  never had a good experience hiring a freelancer as a virtual assistant.  One of the last questions I usually ask is, “​ When can you start if I decide to hire you? ”  In situations when I like the candidate and instinctively feel they will do a good job, I usually offer  them the job at the end of the interview. Therefore, I need to know when they can start working  before I make that official offer.  These are some of the questions I use during an interview. You don’t have to use all of them or ask  them in this order. These are just examples that you can use if they are helpful to you.  


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