FSBO Guide - Authorify

Overseas employees pay taxes in their own country, and I provide them with proof that they  work for my company. With all of this in place, I have never had an issue with paying  people overseas.   If you are concerned, you can always ask your assistant to provide you with an invoice each  month for your records.   If you keep those invoices for your taxes, you can better protect yourself against any  potential audit. I have a programmer who sends me an invoice for every paycheck. I suggest  you employ the method that works best for you.  Key Takeaways  1. Interview job candidates personally via Skype or similar means. This helps build rapport and  demonstrates their communication skills.  2. Determine whether these factors are necessary for the job for which you are hiring:  a. English language fluency  b. A college degree  c. Good internet speed  3. Be prepared to offer the job at the conclusion of the interview.  4. Paperwork can actually be simpler for workers outside the United States, but be sure to  protect yourself with a work made for hire agreement.  5. Recognize the time difference between your area and the country in which your virtual  assistant lives.  6. Familiarize yourself with labor laws and work customs in your virtual assistant’s country.  7. Keep a record of your virtual assistant’s agreement to terms and conditions related to the  job.  8. Consider paying your virtual assistant via PayPal, which is the easiest way.  9. Strongly consider having your virtual assistant provide you with a monthly invoice for  services. 


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