FSBO Guide - Authorify

have cost you to hire someone here in America. Try to pay them well so that they are happy  working for you and view themselves as valued, contributing members of your team.  Give them some days off work every year and pay them for those days. Respect their public  holidays and give them a little bonus every now and then when they impress you. If your  virtual assistants live in the Philippines, as mine do, be sure to give them the 13th-month  bonus. It won’t affect you much at all but it will mean a great deal to them.   Understand that the people you hire will have feelings. They are not machines. When you  treat them nicely, you will be surprised to see the amount of goodwill, productivity, and  creativity it inspires. Moreover, they will be loyal to you.  Well, that about sums it up. Please feel free to contact us with any questions. You can email  our support department at support@smartagents.com. Or call us at (386) 752-6534. Thanks  for reading!   Key Takeaways  1. Online video is an effective way to train assistants located outside the United States.  2. In addition to major tasks, assign fill-in tasks to keep assistants productive.  3. Have virtual assistants update you daily regarding completed projects, either via email or  project management software.  4. Consider using Time Doctor or similar software to track your employees’ time.  5. Decide on a method to share documents and videos with your assistants, such as Google  Drive or Dropbox.  6. Remember to treat your employees well and pay them what they are worth.  7. Reward initiative and good work with occasional bonuses.  8. When assistants work from remote locations, it is sometimes easy to overlook them.  Respect their feelings. Your kindness inspires goodwill, productivity, creativity, and loyalty. 


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