Pack and store your treasured items out of sight. Consider monthly rented storage units until your home sells. Make your home a clean, welcoming, blank canvas, upon which any buyer can visually paint their own dreams. It should not feel like your home while you show the home.


It is understandably inconvenient to live in your home without your “stuff ” — it’s like living in a hotel. However, it’s a necessary component of getting top dollar for your house. Extra furniture and items like books, magazines, CD collections, and hobby supplies add weight and visual distraction in a room. Your salt & pepper shaker collection is going to look like clutter, even if the buyer collects salt & pepper shakers. The more spacious your home appears, the more appealing it will be. Minimize as much as possible. You want the home shopper to see what your home has to offer, not guess about the potential or possibilities.

Work From a Plan

• List each room of the house, noting the clutter in each room, including closets. • Declutter rooms one at a time, attacking from the smallest project to the greatest. • Clear out each room, keeping only essential items. • Donate or discard clothes, decor, toys, and other items no longer used. • Box up possessions that you want to keep, and put them in storage.


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