However, if the loan approval is imminent, but not official, within the final week before the closing date, then it might be wise to order it anyway. Your closing agent will advise you on this. If you have an active termite contract, then you should call that termite company to set up the inspection. If you do not have a termite contract, then you and your agent will discuss selection of a company to do the inspection, and either one of you may make the phone call. You will need to be home for the inspection. If you cannot be there, your agent may be able to help coordinate the inspection on your behalf. When you call to make the inspection appointment, be sure to inform the inspector that the purpose of the inspection is for a real estate sale.
10. Pest Inspection Results:
The termite company will either give you the written report at the time of inspection, or they may deliver or mail it to you or your agent. It is very important that your agent get the original inspection report as soon as possible. If you ordered the report yourself, please advise your agent by whom and when the inspection is being performed, so your agent can follow up on the paperwork. Copies must be faxed or delivered to all parties concerned, including the lender, closing agent, and the buyer or buyer’s agent. Negative Reports: Occasionally a negative report is received indicating that a termite infestation has been found, or worse than that, a wood-boring beetle infestation. Your contract may cover only certain types of pests.
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