agreed” or to merely show a zero balance. The collection agency must agree to remove the account from your record as though it were never there . You have a right to dispute negative account information on your credit report or even to dispute outside credit inquiries, which can also be harmful on your credit report. The credit bureau has 30 days from the date they receive your dispute notice to complete an investigation. In the case of a late payment, you may have better luck asking the original creditor to remove the entry than you will requesting the credit bureau to eliminate it.

Following is a list of good credit practices you can follow.

• Consider a secured credit card: If you need a credit card to begin building your credit record, consider a secured card. Many banks and credit unions will issue you a card if you first pay a deposit equal to your line of credit. For example, your local credit union might issue you a card with a $500 credit limit if you secure the account first by making a $500 refundable deposit in advance. It might sound silly, but the credit union will be protected against loss because of your deposit, while you can use the card in the same manner you would use any credit card and establish credit by paying off your balance in a timely manner. After some time, perhaps as little as six months, the credit card issuer might be willing to refund your deposit and convert your account to an unsecured card. • Maintain low balances: Large balances on your credit cards and other revolving lines of credit can have a significant, negative effect on your credit score. • Don’t postpone payoffs: Your goal should be to pay off credit card debts, not keep continually transferring them


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