CHAPTER 18 Financial Tips for the Future
Besides improving your credit, you’ll want to make the best practices in managing your personal finances part of your daily life. If you’re in pre-foreclosure, perhaps you’re busily trying to come up with all the cash you can get your hands on to get your mortgage payments or other financial obligations caught up. Foreclosure rarely occurs in a vacuum. If you’ve recently experienced a foreclosure — or near-foreclosure — the chances are good that you’re dealing with other financial pressures. Perhaps you’ve lost your home and are facing a downsized living situation. Perhaps you’re well on your way to a healthy financial and emotional recovery from tough times, and you’re starting to dream about a new home in your future. Whatever your situation, there are some sound tips and principles you can put to work for your benefit. They’ll help bring you piece of mind, save for a down payment, or simply give you some financial “breathing room” to relieve everyday pressures.
A good place to start is to be certain you’ve liquidated everything possible. This will put extra cash in your pocket when you need it and declutter your home, which will come in handy if you’re selling or moving. Can you sell or pawn luxury items, such as jewelry or a boat? If you’re a two-car family, could you become a one-car family? Can you clean out your closets and sell some of the contents on eBay or Craigslist? How about having a yard sale or garage sale?
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