Mistake #9: Relying Solely on Online Services
In today’s digital age, real estate information, services, and transactions are available and done online. You can use mortgage calculators, apply for loans online, look up and view properties, research real estate agents available in your area, find out more information behind the properties and agents, etc. (such as property conditions, recent home sales, number of years in the business). Some buyers make the mistake of relying solely on online services for their entire home-search and home-buying process. Failure to establish personal touch with home loan lenders, sellers, real estate agents, etc., could lead to expensive misunderstandings or even put you at a bargaining disadvantage, leaving you with a home purchase you’re not satisfied with, in terms of the property’s condition as well as the final sales price. In the end, you’ll be much less stressed and will likely save a lot of money if you hire a real, in-person real estate agent to work alongside you throughout the process. It’s better to simply take the plunge at the outset and handle these important items in person whenever you can. Avoiding making these common buyers’ mistakes, whether you’re looking to buy your first starter home, or you’re selling a home in search of another one that will meet your changing needs, can help you make the right choices at the right time, so you end up financially prepared for the right home for you, at a price you can afford.
Some mistakes are common to all kinds of home buyers, including:
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