implemented at monthly meetings for six years for agents from various real estate companies. Awards & Recognitions: FIABCI-USA - Medal of Honor - Awarded in 1995 b d in 1995 by President of FIABCI-USA S CI-USA Sheldon Good (Past FIABCI World President) for outstanding service, contribution and dedication to the organization. Designations received: (ABR, CIPS, FIPC, FIREC) , CIPS, FIPC, FIREC) JACK SHARP Memorial Award - Awarded for outstanding service in promoting membership in FI p in FIABCI-USA. CI-USA. Languages: Bi-Lingual in Czech, Slovak, English (some German & Russian) Committee served on: I have served on CREW committees, Atlanta Commercial Forms Committee, Atlanta Commercial Technology Committee, Chamber of Commerce International Division where I visited International companies that relocated to Atlanta, GA and presented them with a plaque and welcomed them to Atlanta, GA. a, GA. Other committees I've served on are: FIABCI-USA Residential Committee, FIABCI World Leisure Committee, FIABCI-USA Membership Committee, FIABCI-USA Education Committee, FIABCI-USA Nominating Committee, FIABCI- USA Technology Committee, FIABCI-USA Vice President of Local Councils. I have served on FIABCI-USA Executive Committee, FIABCI- USA Scholarship Foundation as Vice President, FIABCI-USA Non-Dues Revenue Committee, FIABCI-USA Budget & Finance Committee, FIABCI-USA Vice President of Strategic Planning Committee, FIABCI-USA President Elect 2007-2008. t 2007-2008. I am recipient of FIABCI-USA Medal of Honor.


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