home. >Homestead exemption. Many states exempt any and all owner-occupied homes (homesteads) from a portion of the property tax amount that would normally accrue. For instance, Louisiana exempts the first $75,000 of a home’s value from property tax assessments, such that a $200,000 home in New Orleans is taxed as if it were only worth $125,000. >Federal tax deductions. Property taxes and interest paid on your mortgage can be deducted if you itemize your federal income taxes, reducing your income tax burden. Additionally, discount points can be claimed on the loan. Mortgage points are generally of two types: discount points and origination points. Each of these points is equivalent to 1% of your mortgage. Discount points involve prepaid interest, are tax deductible, and can reduce your total mortgage payment. The interest rate on your mortgage typically lowers by 0.25% per point you buy. • Current mortgage rates are relatively low. Interest rates rise and fall through the years. Several years ago, interest rates were higher, and it was more expensive to obtain a mortgage. Since these costs have been reduced, it is now easier and less expensive to own a house. • Ownership rights and creative freedom. Your decorating and home improvement choices are just that — yours, provided they don’t break building codes or violate homeowners’ association rules. You can paint walls any which way, add fixtures, update or finish your basement, or build a patio or deck. Changing your environment to suit your whims is a freeing aspect of homeownership. • A sense of belonging to the community. Homeowners tend to stay in homes for longer than renters and are


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