Authorify - Ways To Advertise Book Preview

The addition of patio furniture will make your backyard feel more welcoming, and will help the buyers envision themselves sitting outside with friends or family sharing a cold drink on a hot day and enjoying good conversation.


The roof of a house is a big consideration in the sale of a home. Roofs are expensive to repair and replace, and buyers will have the roof inspected before making an offer. Before putting your house on the market, hire a professional to assess the condition and estimated life of the roof. Make sure that any minor repairs are completed and all shingles are in place. There may be some expense in this pre- marketing strategy, but it will be worth knowing exactly what to expect in the inspection and negotiation phase of a sale, so making all necessary repairs beforehand will ensure that the sales process will be smooth and efficient. If any problems are discovered upon inspection, you can fix them or you can subtract the cost of the repairs from the final sale price. This is generally acceptable to both buyer and seller.


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