CHAPTER 9 Make Your Home Picture Perfect Pictures of your house are so vital to the “selling for more” concept that I’m giving this topic its own chapter, apart from the chapter on better marketing. Remember the premise behind this book—not all house sales are equal, and some people do better than others in the sale of their home. The purpose of the effort involved in selling a home for people astute enough to do so is to sell it faster and to make more money in selling it, and thus increase profit. Your entire focus needs to be on making that sale, with an eye to maximizing its attractiveness potential. Plentiful, good-quality photographs play a major role in doing that and then nailing the sale. An excellent photo representation provides a competitive edge over other sellers who don’t dedicate much effort to pictorially showcasing their property. Ask yourself: If you were looking for a new home and there were only two for sale that would fit your needs, which seller would you trust more: one who posted obviously amateur pictures showing dishes in the sink or the one whose pictures conveyed the image of a pristine lifestyle? The answer is obviously the latter. You want to build up your credibility as a serious seller and the buyer’s confidence in your home’s quality by putting in the extra effort. Winners in every category of life are ones who put out the most effort and make the best impression. Here are some tips to help get the ball rolling:

• Pretend that you’re getting your home ready for a


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