If you have found a likely prospect in which you have a serious interest, view it multiple times. You are more likely to identify potential problems if you view it several times at different times of the day. You will also glean knowledge of the neighborhood at various times. Is a street that is not busy in the late morning a commuter route in early morning and mid-afternoon? This way, you will know what traffic is like in the area and the noise levels that occur at different times. Getting a good sense for the environment can be just as valuable a benefit of viewing a prospective home as what you find inside the house itself. CONSIDER THE OVERALL CONTEXT When viewing, don’t just consider a property on its own, view it in the context of its location. What is the area like? Is the property adjacent to a train track or noisy intersection? Is there a pub or bar close by that gets noisy at night? How close are you to the things you might need, such as schools, public transit, a grocery store, or hospital? These are important questions to consider when viewing properties, as they can add or subtract from the overall enjoyment of your home. LET YOUR AGENT DO THE JOB Do not go viewing on your own. There is a security factor in traveling to unoccupied houses alone. Additionally, there are other ways this makes you vulnerable. A seller’s agent might think you are unrepresented and attempt to take advantage of you. Let your agent do their job. If you come across a property that interests you, but your agent has not told you about it, it may not meet all your criteria. If you think you want to view it anyway, contact your real estate agent with the address and phone number. Your agent can arrange a proper viewing for you, with the owners absent and themselves on hand to help keep an eye out for possible flaws, as well as provide an emotionally-uninvolved perspective to balance out the rosy tint of excitement.
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