last transaction, affecting your ability to secure a loan or afford your desired next home. Get pre-approved by a trusted lender and research housing options in your target area to avoid being caught unprepared. Engaging with Unqualified Buyers Showing your home to buyers who can’t qualify for a loan is a waste of time and effort. For instance, a seller once spent weeks preparing for a buyer who ultimately couldn’t secure financing. Real estate agents vet potential buyers, ensuring your home is only shown to those who are pre-qualified and ready to make an offer. Staying During Showings Whenever possible, leave your home during showings. Your presence can make buyers feel uncomfortable, rushed, or unable to freely discuss the property. If you must stay, remain out of the way and only answer questions when asked. Similarly, avoid requiring your agent to attend all showings, as it may limit flexibility and deter other agents from scheduling visits. Waiting for the Perfect Moment Deciding to “wait it out” often backfires. Market conditions can change rapidly, and waiting too long may result in missed opportunities. If you’re ready to sell, take action now rather than waiting for a hypothetical better time. Rejecting the First Offer Many sellers dismiss early offers, hoping for a bidding war or higher bids later. However, the first offer is often the best, especially if it aligns with market value. Rejecting it may result in fewer or less favorable offers as time passes. Evaluate each offer carefully and consult your agent to make an informed decision. Becoming Too Friendly with Buyers While being friendly is important, avoid forming close
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