Homes that do not sell for extended periods of time are usually priced too high or are too pricey for the neighborhood. Strategic pricing will always be the top reason homes sell successfully.
Here is a list of other common reasons that homes do not sell:
• The home is too cluttered. Piles and stacks of stuff discourage buyers. • The home interior is dated. Old styles, trimming or flooring deter sales, and so do any upgrades necessary to freshen up the decor. • The exterior of the home had no curb appeal. • The homeowner is not flexible with showings. Plan ahead to ensure kids, pets, and you are ready to show at any time. • The home is located in an abandoned development. The housing crash of 2008 left many houses empty in many neighborhoods. • The real estate agent did not provide a sufficiently aggressive marketing plan. • The photos were of poor quality and not done professionally. • The real estate agent did not perform the Comparative Market Analysis correctly and failed to provide strategic pricing for the home.
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